Chosen From Heaven Above . . . Hearts Forever Joined In Love

Friday, June 5, 2009

Waiting . . . by 2 month increments . . . Uggghhh!

So, I was supposed to have some "news" of a referral by the end of May. I did get news, but the news was "another possible 1-2 months"! So, I'm thinking, due to my "wait" experience, it will be more like 2 more months.

After a long discussion with my agency (who I really like!) it is apparent that the coordinators are trying their best. I do understand and I do know it is so much more difficult these days. But, now I'm thinking summer slow down and fall court date. Sigh!!!

Over the last 3 years, I have been "2 months" to death. My 2nd adoption life seems to move in 2 month intervals. "it will be 2 months for translation/registration". "It will be at least 2 months between trip 1 & 2." Jul-Sep 2008 - 2 months of heartbreaking referrals. Dec-Jan 2009 - 2 months of holiday wait. It just keeps going on and on and on with the 2 month "thing"! Over the course of 3 years and 3 agencies, I can't tell you how many times I have been told "Nancy, give it a couple more months."

Needless to say . . . I'm a bit Blue this week!
OK, chin up - so now it is "T minus 2 months, again! (minus 1 week!)"


Amy said...

I hear ya... I have another friend who has had a rocky road as well. Hoping for July for you!! said...

HANG IN THERE! Your daughter is there, but not quite ready yet!!! When we signed with our first agency, Cassi was only 1 month old. When we switched to our agency, it was this time last year. Our paperwork went over July 4th weekend, then summer slow down, then wha-law, referral in Sept.!!! I know you've been waiting way longer than we did--please hang on! You CAN do this and you know how worth it the waiting will have been! :)

Matt and Carla Morgan said...

Bless your heart. The waiting is pure torture and 2 months can feel like an eternity - esp after 3 years! I'm glad to 'see' you back here - processing through some of this. I hope you're off meeting your sweet daughter very very soon.

And, a BIG (belated) congrats to your little graduate :)


Kim said...

Uggg, we were supposed to have news at the end of May too. Nada. We will probably have a fall court date as well. sighhhhhh is right.


Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

I have followed your blog for a long time and I am so sorry you have had such a long wait. I was with your first agency for almost a year before switching to another agency who helped us find our daughter very quickly. I hope that things start happening for you!


Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

Do you mind if I link you to my blog?

junglemama said...

Hope you hear something soon! Waiting is so very hard.