Chosen From Heaven Above . . . Hearts Forever Joined In Love

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The JOY in the JOURNEY . . .

I have noticed that I have strayed away from my joyful center!

2008 and the 1st 6 months of 2009 have been full of many twists and turns. I have encountered so many different "changes" in family, work and the adoption process.

In January 2008, I began the heart wrenching decision to switch agencies. In April the Kemerovo region closed and I switched regions. My dear Pappa Earl (my precious, precious mentor) became sick and I took over as interim manager while he was on LOA. Then in May we learned that our dear Pappa Earl was diagnosed with terminal cancer. In June, I encountered issues with members of my immediate family that take me to my knees over and over again. In July, August and September, I received multiple referrals that took me to a place of heart wrenching decisions and despair. In October, we lost precious Pappa Earl. In November, I made another heart wrenching decision to switch to another agency (3 new dossiers in 1 year!). Along with many, many others in the 2008 economy crash, I lost a significant amount in my retirement, stock and adoption fund. In 2009, I became permanent manager of our department and although wonderful, my work load has increased significantly.

AND, my baby girl still isn't home!!!

Can anyone say STRESSFUL!!! I was sinking deeper and deeper into a "survival" state!

But . . . that is so ALL about ME!!! During that time, I had lost the perspective I needed to see the bigger picture. Really, shame on me! Through all MY twists and turns there have been wonderful constants and JOYs that I simply didn't and haven't acknowledged. Again, shame on me!

Easy has never been my middle name and I have struggled and weathered through many trials in my life. And, I have had a mantra for about 10 years now, "Consider it all Joy" from my favorite chapter in the Bible, James 1. Whenever I am going through a trial, it gives me perspective. And, it is the reason the 1st song on my play list is "Joy in the Journey".

So, through all of my life trials, these are my JOY's today . . .

My wonderful God, Lord & Savior! Lately, I have tried to "push through" on my own strength instead of allowing my strength to come from my center, my source - my Lord! I have been been convicted to search my heart and find the JOY, once again, in my journey.

My wonderful Son! He is the light that shines every day for me. He is the love of my life! It is pure JOY to be his parent, his mama.

My wonderful cousin/friend, Uppa D! He is my co-parent. He is my constant "go to person". He holds me steady, holds me accountable, holds me to the standard he knows is the best of ME! He has lovingly told me that I have "hardened" lately and I'm hard on others and on myself. Thank you Uppa D, for lovingly telling me what I need to hear. You are pure JOY in my life and I don't tell you that enough!

My wonderful career. Although stressful at times and with huge transitional changes lately, I have been given a great priviledge with my professional work. I have such a JOY-ful group where we try to keep it all in perspective and have such fun, but also take on the responsibility of our jobs. I think a fun departmental lunch is in order! I pray Pappa Earl is looking down with a smile. I learned from the best!

I'm stopping for a brief, objective "look around". . . I see I am so richly blessed! Slowly, my JOY is returning.

I leave you today with my favorite scripture passage from James 1. I hope that it brings you peace and joy in your journey, as it has done for me in the past . . . and now again today.

James 1
. . . 2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4 Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
. . .
12 Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.
. . .
17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows . . .

Find your JOY - in your trials today!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Nancy. I needed to read that today, too.


Carey and Norman said...

It is so hard not to get discouraged as we wait and experience trials in our lives. I agree that we must focus on God to be our center and give us peace about our journey. However hard it may be, it is intended to match you with the little girl that is meant to be your daughter!

Thinking of you!

JennStar said...

How blessed to have loving and Godly people in your life that will encourage you in love and support. And what a great attitude to share with each of us- we can all use a reminder when we get into our flesh and struggle with our own desires. Thank you for that!

Stacey said...

If you can do it... I can do it. Thanks for being my 'cyber buddy' and someone who I admire from afar for the journey you have taken, are on and the ones you bravely face with such obvious grace (as shown in this post). There will be cheering from Canada when you get "the call". Thanks for the reminder that life is good... it's not easy... but it's good.
Stacey said...

Amen! I'm so glad you have found your joy! I'm going to read that part of the Bible tonight as I can use a joy injection as well. I'm glad you have a "co-parent" to help you. LOVE the picture you and Nicholas on the beach!!!! That wasn't taken 'round here--lol!


Nancy said...

LOL! - No, Holly, I agree - no beaches like that around our "neck of the woods" (OK)! Taken on our favorite beach in Florida!!! We will get back there some day (after all the adoption expenses are finally over & taken care of!).

It is one of my favorites too!!! I just love my little guy soooo much!