Chosen From Heaven Above . . . Hearts Forever Joined In Love

Saturday, October 18, 2008

1,000 Days of Wait . . .

I have finally gone beyond triple digits! I have now reached that milestone that I hoped & prayed I would never reach. But, I am here . . . still waiting!

It has been 1,000 days since I started this journey to my baby daughter.

It is recognized with a gentle sigh of frustration! Yet, I know, absolutely know, she is somewhere . . . waiting . . . Just as her family is also . . . waiting . . .

Days preparing paperwork - 284 days
Days "Waiting" for Referral - 716 days
Total Days Processing - 1,000 days
The DAY I hold my baby girl in my arms forever

When I need reassurance, I need only to look over at my "Krasiva Syn" (beautiful son) & I Know There is Joy in the Journey!

There is significance in the chosen background in the counter below . . . In the midst of twists & turns in direction & the future unknowns . . . There is a calm, reassuring heart still beating for my baby girl. I know God is in Control.

She is somewhere . . . out there . . . waiting for Mama!

Custom Countdowns & MySpace Layouts


Becky and Keith said...

I'm so sorry you've had to reach this milestone, but you have such a great positive outlook that will help you get through this wait (not to mention a cute little boy!).

Matt and Carla Morgan said...

Bless your heart. 1000 days is a LONG time! What incredible commitment that alone will communicate to your small ones as they grow up amidst your tender, loving care.


Joy said...

I am right there with you. Although you have waited longer then I. You are so right however. I think your positive energy is wonderful.