So . . . another adoption update - going on 70 days, 10 weeks, 2.5 months.
Thursday (3/10) - the 5th hearing for the District Court Appeal. FIA was the last witness that has not appeared before the district judge & when our case (#19) was called, no one from FIA was present. The initial hearing was very short, maybe 10 minutes, at the most. We entered the required FIA appearance summons into the case's evidence. The judge smiled when my attorney again asked for the judge to please consider the length of time this appeal has taken & rule expeditiously. On our way to find a taxi, the FIA Director finally arrived & my attorney, FIA Director & myself quickly went back to the district court for the judge to question the FIA Dir. When we got there the power went out & the rest of the hearing was conducted without any power or lights. The daylight shone through the one small window, which barely gave us reading light. The judge asked the FIA Dir questions, then asked me more questions, all very confusing, actually. But, nonetheless, it finally ended about 30 minutes later. Will we hear a ruling? . . . we will know when we see it. The judge gave no indication one way or another. We went back to the guest house & resumed our normal daily routine . . . it has become so familiar now. Gracy naps, Uppa D works & Mama does laundry, make bottles & plays with Sweet Pea (& does a little computer work, mostly emails!)!
We had to make the final decision if Uppa D would return home on Sunday or not. The flight's deadline for ticketing was today . . . it is the right decision to have Uppa D fly home. I have a wonderful support group here & I know I will be just fine!
Friday (3/11) - the District Judge asked for my attorney to appear before her in the afternoon (an impromptu 6th hearing). He called me after the impromptu hearing to tell me that the judge would probably deny our appeal for an amended order. I guess the judge made several remarks about intercountry adoption . . . I don't believe I have heard my attorney this irritated with any of the judges up to this point. But, this is not a surprise, I had expected a denial from the minute the district judge looked in my eyes . . . I just knew. So . . . we will appeal to High Court . . .
Saturday (3/12) - Uppa D & Gracy played together a lot today. We finished up the packing (with Gracy's help, of course). Then we went to the park. On the way, we met a family that the previous week Dalend had treated the little girls to ice cream. The father saw us walking & came out to thank Dalend for the treat. He asked us to come to his house. They live in the servants quarters of a large home & one of his daughters is the cook. They are a lovely family. It was a very surreal moment when we stepped into their home, one simple room (~ 10 x 8). A family of 6 lives there. We stayed for dinner, rice with potatoes & boiled eggs in curry sauce. Very tasty!. We have been in the wealthiest of homes and also the poorest of homes, such a contrast in this country. It was a special evening with a very loving family.
Sunday (3/13) – Uppa D left at 1:00 a.m. He sat beside Gracy for a few minutes watching her sleep, then gave her a kiss good bye . . . she smiled in her sleep. I watched from the terrace as he drove away in the taxi. It is just the girls now!!! Later in the morning we went to St Thomas Church . . . It was a beautiful day & it cheered up the day. Then home to the guest house for lunch & nap time.
Monday (3/14) – Waiting for the ruling & order dictation from the district judge. Without that, we can not begin the appeal process in high court. So, we wait . . . Mama does laundry today, a nice sunny day to dry laundry outside! It is starting to really warm up. The day's temp was over 90 degrees. Just last week it was only in the 70's. They say that the "cold" leaves quickly here & the "hot" just appears!
Tuesday (3/15) – Waiting for the ruling . . . Mama finished up the laundry & folded clothes. Gracy played on the terrace (yes, in her diaper). Again another very warm day (90's). No A/C! But, we run the fans & it keeps it cool inside. Since the buildings are masonry construction, it stays cooler inside.
I also received a text late afternoon from my attorney that the district judge had dictated the order, but it was not signed/attested yet. Hopefully tomorrow . . .
Wednesday (3/16) – My attorneys appear each morning at 9:30 a.m. in front of the district judge to inquire about the ruling. The judge is "working on it" & it will be finished sometime this week. Mama & Gracy decide to do a little shopping. Since I don't have another set of hands . . . I purchased a stroller. This helps a great deal when we take our walk, go to the market, etc. Both Mama & Gracy got new sandals (it is too hot for boots!). Gracy got a new light cotton dress & Mama got a few new light weight summer kameez (Pakistani tunics). I'm told the temp is now going to be in the 90+'s. When we got back home, Gracy played in her green tub full of water on the terrace (she takes a bath in it too). She splashed to her heart's content! She had a ball! This girlie is action-packed, let me tell you! It is so good to see her soooo happy :)
Still waiting on the signed/attested district court order . . .
Thursday (3/17) - A Very Hot Day!!! We go for a walk with the stroller early in the morning while it is still cool. Gracy loves the new stroller . . . she just sings as we stroll along (too cute!) There is now a power ration. So, the power goes out 4 hours a day. In 2009, we experienced this as well. However, now they have a scheduled outage in Islamabad. This really helps in scheduling your day. We know when the power will be shut off & can schedule accordingly. The power goes out at 2:00 - 3:00 a.m., 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon & 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. We skype with Nicky, G'ma at 6:30 a.m., then eat breakfast, then take our walk between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. (while the power is out), then come back & get ready for our day once the power comes back on.
We went to Edhi Home for a visit late afternoon & had tea with the staff. The director was not there, but we had a wonderful time. I actually was invited into the "big house". We had been received only in the reception area (which is a small 3 room entry building at the front gates). The Edhi Home ladies were so thrilled to see Gracy (they call her Marina). She truly has grown!
I also received notice that finally, the order is signed & attested. It was completed late afternoon & will be available for my attorneys tomorrow am. YEAH!
Friday (3/18) - My attorneys scanned the order & sent it to me. It was as expected . . . Denial. It took 4 weeks to be denied . . . But, this truly is a step forward. Now we are not tied to the District Court with continuous delays. We are free to move on to High Court. I met with my attorneys late afternoon & reviewed all the documents for the appeal to High Court. It will be filed tomorrow (Sat) & we are very hopeful that the HC court hearing will be on Monday! I ask for prayers & positive thoughts for this "new round" of Pakistani court.
We had another visit with Edhi Home early afternoon. The director had just returned from Karachi & wanted to see Gracy . . . so back to Edhi Home we went at 2:00 to see the director. I received a wonderful, surreal surprise when I got there . . . the day before I asked if I could see where Gracy had lived at Edhi. I was told that only the director could give permission & . . . yes, she agreed! So, once we arrived today, the director took me into the living quarters of the orphans & homeless. There are no words to explain the experience. Stepping into the dark, little, concrete room where Gracy lived for 16 months was like walking to a sacred place for me. There is something about seeing the cribs where my babies slept that just touches my mother's soul. When I touch my child's crib, I pray for their healing (body, mind & soul). I can still remember that feeling of sacredness in Russia when I was allowed to see Nicky's crib & groupa . . . & now here in Pakistan with Gracy's little white, iron, paint-peeled crib & room. Both my children's orphanage rooms are nothing special. In fact, less than adequate, pitiful in comparison to what would be considered a child's "proper" environment. But, to me, both places are like shrines . . . it is part of who they are. I'm simply their "stepping stone" from "there" to "here". . . And, that, my friends, is why I'm their Mama . . . why I created my family through intercountry adoption . . .
There is also a TV cable strike going on here today . . . so no English channels on TV. I'm glad I watched American Idol last night! Yes, I have to admit I am watching American Idol. I'm usually not one to get "hooked" on any specific TV show . . . but since there are so few English channels . . . I'm now, sadly, an Idol Fan.
Saturday (3/19) - We awoke to overcast skies & it rained today! A nice cooling, steady rain to cool the day. I was prepared to do laundry this morning . . . but that will have to wait for another day. At 12:00 we walked to the home of our park family friends for lunch. We spent about 3 hours there just visiting. Gracy completely wore the little 5 year-old girl out playing & finally the little girl fell asleep. Gracy, of course, was still going strong & kept trying to wake her to play. Gracy is quite the active child & will fight sleep until she just drops. We left when the rain stopped & walked back to the guest house for a nap (have I mentioned how wonderful the stroller is!!!). After a bottle & mama walking the floor for a few minutes, she finally fell asleep. So, now mama can get on the computer & catch up on emails!!!
My attorneys filed the application for High Court appeal of the guardianship order amendment denial.
Sunday (3/20) - Gracy & I dressed in our new dresses (Mama in a new sharwal kameez & Gracy in a new summer dress!). We looked pretty great (if I can brag on my little girl, a bit!). As we were leaving to get in the taxi . . . Mama slipped on the top step of the guest house stair case (from the 2nd floor) & fell all the way to the bottom . . . with Gracy! The staircase is 3 split levels of 6-8 steps each. I was still on my feet when we hit the 1st landing, but then fell forward. We hit the hard terrazzo floor. Gracy landed 1st directly on her face & then mama fell on top of her & rolled over her!. What a horrible fall!!! The guest house owner immediately ran to pick us up. Gracy's forehead began immediately to swell, so I called Dr. Rubina & made an emergency visit. Dr. Rubina said no x-rays were needed for Gracy & everything else was just "surface" damage. She checked both of us out (mama had a couple of nasty abrasions). So, needless to say, we didn't make it to church :). We are both ok, Gracy has healed faster than mama (lol!). I'm still limping along with a sore hip, knee, elbow & shoulder. How I want to have a massage at St. Francis Health Zone, right now! We took it easy in the afternoon, Gracy on her children's ibuprofen & mama on adult ibuprofen; & both with special ointment prescribed by Dr. Rubina. I know, I know . . . I'm an accident waiting to happen & have been ever since I was a child! The carpet on the edge of the steps is very, very worn & I tend to step on the step edge & I'm always in a hurry to go someplace . . . I need to slow down & watch where I place my foot on the steps!!! And, I have promised, promised that I will call someone to help carry Gracy down the steps. You know . . . every travel I take has to have some physical accident (lol!) Amazing . . . how innocently it all happens! (I haven't even told you about the car driving over my foot waiting for a taxi at court!!! A story for another time! lol)
At 2:00 p.m. our park family came to have tea with me at the guest house. Just the aunt & one of the daughters came (the daughter I have really bonded with, she is a single parent of a sweet 5 yo girl). We had a great time visiting & learning about each others lives. We laughed & laughed. Mehreen (daughter) knows English very well & has quite the sense of humor!
Monday (3/21) - The High Court hearing was supposed to be scheduled for this morning, but my attorney called at 9:00 a.m. & told me that the court reader could not read some of the copied documents & has asked for darker copies. Yes, it is frustrating about how the smallest of insignificant details delays when the larger issues seem to go unnoticed . . . but we soldier on! Instead, Mama & Gracy did laundry! It was a bright sunny day so we spent about 3 hours washing, rinsing & hanging our clothes. Gracy is such a big, big "helper". She starts off with her clothes on & by the time we are finished . . . she is a naked baby girl! She loves to take off her clothes! So, Mama puts nice, fresh, clean, warm water in the green wash basin & we play in the water on the terrace. Gracy splish splashes as Mama sings "Splish Splash I was Taken a Bath . . . ". We have great fun on laundry day! It makes the hard work so much more enjoyable with a 21 mo little girl helping! (of course, it takes longer, but we definitely have the time . . .).
Tuesday (3/22) - Again I was ready for High Court at 8:30 a.m. HC begins at 9:00 & my attorney is to call me at 8:30 with our case # to be heard. Then I take a taxi to the high courts 30 minutes before the case # time. This is different from civil & district court. You go at 9:30 for those 2 courts because your case # to be heard could change without notice. This is not the case in High Court. My attorney called at 8:45 a.m. to tell me that, again, our case is not on the docket of cases for today. There has been an overage of cases scheduled since Wednesday (3/23) is a public holiday. So, my attorney spoke directly with the HC judge & asked for an expedited case #. We will be heard 1st thing Thursday a.m.(24th). Yes, slow steps forward . . . but still forward :)
Since we are again delayed another week to submit the USCIS IR-4 immigrant visa dossier . . . I will have to extend my visa again for a 2nd time. My visa expires on 4/2 & it is obvious that we will not have the IR-4 immigrant visa for Gracy by then. Shaleena (guest house owner's daughter working with NGO) will again help me with the visa extension process.
So . . . That brings us up to date . . . :)
All I can do is just keep taking faithful steps forward, knowing that in the end . . . Gracy will have a loving family every child deserves & a life full of potential!!!
As always, Karim/Sameer (guest house owners) keep me up on adult conversation. We go down to the lobby everyday to visit. And . . . our dear pastor friends at St Thomas Church are always near by. And . . . my attorneys have become very good friends, as well. As they told me on Friday, "This has become not just your case, but our case. We are bonded with Marina Grace, as well. We will see this through for her best interests." They offer any help they can with our stay in Pakistan. So, we are surrounded by a wonderful support group that I trust & I can truly say that the "spirit" of this trip is divine. It certainly has not turned out as planned, but I'm learning to joyfully live in the unexpected moments! Beautiful memories have been made during this unexpected "waiting"!
Take care . . . talk to you soon!
Love & Blessings,
Nancy (Mama) & Gracy
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