Chosen From Heaven Above . . . Hearts Forever Joined In Love

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hello, from Pakistan - District Court Appeal & Waiting for a Ruling . . .

So . . . here is another update for the last 1.5 weeks . . . We have been in Pakistan now for 57 days, 8 weeks, 2 months.

Saturday (2/26) - the 3rd hearing for the District Court Appeal. All parties were summoned to appear, however FIA (Federal Investigative Agency . . . like our FBI) did not appear. Edhi Home (orphanage) did have a representative . . . a wonderful woman by the name of Farrah (Fa-dd-ah) who I have come to know & love. The Power of Attorney for the was also present . . . & of course, the petitioner . . . me. It was a very interesting hearing . . . the judge is very new to the realm of intercountry guardianship/adoption & needs some time to truly understand the complexities. She (yes, the judge is a woman, very rare here) is a tough judge & sees the complexities of "adoption" through Pakistani eyes/opinion. She is not comfortable at all with the amendment wording to the order that would comply with US immigration law. As she states, "a conflict between two country's laws . . . my oath is to the Pakistani law, not the US law." So, we will have to wait until Monday to see if/how she rules.

Sunday (2/27) – It was finally a beautiful sunny day. We went to church & had a wonderful service. After the service, we visited with the pastor in the parsonage/vicarage where the Pastor lives with his family. Once back at the guest house, it was time for mama to do the laundry (I feel like a regular Pakistani woman hand washing & air drying!). Late Sunday afternoon was nap-city . . . Gracy took a very long nap!

Monday (2/28) – A raining day of wait . . . inside the guest house . . . Up the stairs/down the stairs . . . exploring every knock & cranny of the small space. The courts close at 3:00 p.m.. So . . . waiting through the raining day for the district court ruling . . . My Pak. attorney called late afternoon . . . the district judge had continued the case until next Saturday (5th). She also asked the court reader to pull the entire court file (including the case file from 2009) and the guardianship order case file from Nov/Dec/Jan . . . & have it delivered to her home. She told my attorney she wanted to study the entire case from start to finish during the week. Also, since FIA did not appear before the court on Sat (26th), she has asked for a 2nd summons to be sent to FIA for the hearing on the 5th. Wait, wait, wait . . . All I can do is know that we have disclosed everything . . . nothing has been hidden . . . Faith & Trust takes over, at this point.

Tuesday (3/1) – Rain, rain, rain - we need some sunshine so Gracy can go outside & play. Gracy runs to the door of the terrace/balcony & begs to go outside. All toys have become very boring . . . so we go "up the stairs/down the stairs" seems to be the only interesting activity. Later in the afternoon, we go to the market for supplies (Nido formula, baby food, juice, etc.) Just getting outside of the guest house is a treat! We shop the market for a while just to stretch out legs. The market is very, very interesting! People everywhere, vendors in tiny, tiny stores trying to "sell" you everything from jewelry to carpets to furniture. I love browsing, but they want you to BUY!

Wednesday (3/2) – The weather is a bit better today . . . cool, overcast, but no Rain. We go outside for Gracy to run up/down the drive. The security guards get a kick out of seeing her come out to play. , rain, rain - we need some sunshine so Gracy can go outside & play. Gracy runs to the door of the terrace/balcony & begs to go outside. All toys have become very boring . . . so we go "up the stairs/down the stairs" seems to be the only interesting activity. Later in the afternoon, we go to the market for supplies (Nido formula, baby food, juice, etc.) Just getting outside of the guest house is a treat! We shop the market for a while just to stretch out legs. The market is very, very interesting! People everywhere, vendors in tiny, tiny stores trying to "sell" you everything from jewelry to carpets to furniture. I love browsing, but they want you to BUY!

Thursday (3/3) - Still cool & overcast . . . a peaceful day of wait & play at the guesthouse . . .

Friday (3/4) - Another visit to Dr. Rubina. Gracy's lungs are much, much healthier! YEAH! Dr. Rubina is very charmed by Gracy & loves for her to sit on her lap. Gracy "helps" Dr. Rubina write the prescriptions! Our sweet baby girl is getting stronger everyday . . . Gracy is on just vitamins now (B, D, iron, calcium & a multivitamin).

Saturday (3/5) - the 4th hearing for the District Court Appeal. We appear at district court at 9:30 a.m. where we find out our case number for the day . . . I didn't ask what our exact number was this time (I need to remember to do that for Gracy's book! It was #17.) Anyway, it was a low number because our case was heard within about 1.5 hours, so probably about 10:00/10:15 (anywhere between #15-20). It was very short today . . . the judge required the summons document for FIA. Since FIA didn't appear last Saturday (3rd hearing), the judge requested a 2nd summons for FIA to appear today . . . However, FIA still did not send a representative. But, my attorneys had all the proper documentation to support that the summons was done properly & received by FIA. We also have to show the original Public at Large Notices (they come out in the local paper). Again, my attorneys were completely prepared with all requirements from the judge. It lasted only about 10-15 minutes . . .the judge was unusually reserved about our case. She mentioned nothing about her study of the complete court files of the case she had asked for to study this week. However, a criminal case was just before our case & it was a very loud, heated discussion on bail . . . so maybe she was just worn down :). Anyway, she didn't convey how she would rule one way or the other. We will have to just wait Mon/Tues to see what is on her mind now!

After the court hearing . . . we went back to the guest house for some down time . . . a visit with Karim (owner) & Sameer (his son). They have become like family to us, along with our dear friends at St Thomas Church. Later in the afternoon, Pastor Nadeem called to see how court went . . . he always has such encouraging words.

Sunday (3/6) – It was a awesome beautiful sunny day (high 70's). We went to church & had a wonderful service. After the service, we had our regular cup of chia tea & visited with all our international friends & made some new ones. New people come to St Thomas on a weekly basis . . . some staying only a short time . . . others for many months. Each has their own unique story. There is such a big world out there with all kinds of people from different walks of life . . . so different from my daily life of oil/gas HR/PR & Oklahoma (although I love too!). But, I have always had a love of international life & consider it such a wonderful experience to spend time in other countries . . . I really do love it. I love to visit with people (as you all know . . . no one is a stranger to me!). I met a young man from DC today, doing research for his dissertation on international diplomacy. He says he will be here a month. He already looked the part with his sharwal kameez (native dress). He shared how frustrating it is with the pace of life in Pakistan . . . every appointment takes 3 levels of approval & then a week's wait. I smiled & commiserated with him. In one breath both Dalend & I said "I know! . . .". But, we encouraged him to be patient & his goal of interview appointments with top gov't & religious leaders would eventually be realized. I did mention to him, with a light hearted smile . . . to be prepared to double his time in Pakistan! We visited with Pastor Nadeem & his daughter Nayab took Gracy immediately (Nayab loves the little children & Gracy LOVES her)! Then it was home to the guest house for lunch & nap time.

Monday (3/7) – Gracy turns 21 months old today! We arrived in Pakistan 5 days after she turned 19 months old. I have had custody about 6 weeks now. In that time, she has gained 3 pounds & grown taller, about .5 inch. She will let me touch her feet to the ground now! (in the beginning, so sick, only I could touch her & she wouldn't walk). In fact, she is now a bubbly, cubby, non-stop walker/talker! Her hair no longer feels like straw. Her hair has also grown & is shiny & curly! I'm so thankful for Dr. Rubina's care & of course, God's healing touch (Mama & Uppa D helped with that too)!

The judge did not rule on our case today . . . so we wait to see if a ruling comes tomorrow.

Tuesday (3/8) – A beautiful sunny day . . . so it is laundry day. We had been having our laundry sent out to the doby walla, but to save on expenses, I have been doing all of the baby laundry the "old fashioned" way . . . by hand & line dry. If I do it every couple of days (as long as the sun shines) I can keep up with it just fine. The bright sun dries everything very fast . . . but laundry hung inside will not dry fast at all & has to be hung out in front of the space heater (very small). But . . . it works! And, we are doing just fine (although mama's fingers are a little sore!)

Today the district judge ordered to continue our case again for another hearing, Thursday (3/10). She has requested a 3rd summons for FIA. So, once again we'ill go to the district courts Thursday am at 9:30 to see what she says for this hearing. It will be the 5th hearing for our appeal to district court for the guardianship order amendment for 2 words " . . . . immigration and adoption . . .". This is a requirement for an IR-4 immigrant visa per USCIS immigration law.

Wednesday (3/9) – Another beautiful sunny day . . . all week is supposed to be very nice in the 70's. While Gracy napped, Dalend walked to the market & got supplies. He also got Gracy something special . . . a set of 1st books! Gracy loves books & the few we have, have become well worn with Gracy's "love". So, she now has some new ones! Such a thoughtful gift from Uppa D. Dalend loves to walk to the market, just a nice walk to get out & stretch the legs! Gracy is now awake so while Uppa D is reading books with Gracy, I'm catching up on emails that I wasn't able to view for a couple of days because webmail was down. That is why I couldn't send an update earlier. We will probably go to the park later & play outside. These days, Gracy begs to be outside running & playing. I get such joy watching her . . .

Gracy is quickly learning . . . she now says "Uppa D", "Thank You" (not really understandable but she shakes her head 2 times as she says it, so you know what she means!). And, the newest one this week . . . "Apple" . . . you know how the ABC book goes . . . "A is for Apple". Now everything she points to is an "apple" (lol!). It is sooooo cute!

Thursday (3/10) - will be a defining day with the court hearing . . . Dalend is really needing to return to work (never expected to be gone this long & although he is keeping up with his work, his temp office help is needing spring break off for her children). So, Dalend will leave this weekend, Sunday 3/13. Unless, we are able to get an immigrant visa by then! That is not realistically likely. Yet, this entire adoption has been a precious miracle & it is in God's timing that everything will happen . . . His Perfect Timing.

Faith & Trust guide us . . .

Take care . . . talk to you soon!

Nancy (Mama), Dalend (Uppa D) & Gracy

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