So . . . another adoption update - going on 83 days, 11.75 weeks, I'll go ahead & call it 3 months.
Wednesday (3/23) - A sunny day of wait & a Pakistan holiday . . . Independence Day . . . We went to visit our park family friends again today. The mother gave me a piece of beautiful cloth for a shalwar kemeez (traditional Pakistani dress). She took me to visit her sister who is a tailor to have the shalwar kemeez tailor made for me. The sister lives in what is called a "Christian Community" (where our park family friends previously lived). Sadly . . . this is a nice way of saying the "slums", broken concrete shelters interconnected by narrow alleys. As I walked through the narrow dirt alleyway turning left, then right . . . dodging the blowing trash/litter . . . stepping over broken concrete . . . hiking up my pants to miss the sewer drainage running through . . . I was immediately humbled. Yes, I felt all eyes on me as the people & children stood in awe & watched an obvious Christian (Muslims do not enter here) "white" woman walking through their feeble existence, probably the 1st time most had ever seen a white woman "up close & personal". We passed a woman with an obvious new born & the park mother stopped to congratulate the mother, oohhhing & ahhhing over the tiny infant. As we moved on, I was told it was the family's 8th child. I prayed as I walked through, prayed for God's wisdom & blessing to fall on these people. All I can say is, the need is so great . . . As we finally reached the home where the sister lived . . . again I was humbled as I entered the dwelling. She runs a tailor business from her 1, 8 x 10 room. There were 5 women inside, sitting on the bed & floor. They were happily chattering away in Urdu. The sister was squatting on the floor next to a sewing machine (the black antique kind grandma used). Her nimble fingers efficiently & professionally sewing a beautiful kemeez (Pak tunic). It was royal blue with absolutely beautiful embroidery . . . I found out that it was for one of the young women sitting on the bed . . . her bridal shalwar kemeez. The bride was so excited . . . & I wished her congratulations. The sister would look up every few seconds as she worked away . . . to join in the women's banter, laughing & chatting away (as women do!). She had an assistant for the hand & embroidery work & she passed the bridal dress to the assistant for the finishing touches to be done by hand. Then she turned to me, with a smile, tape measure in hand. She quickly measured me while the assistant wrote down the measurements. Then, the sister went outside for a few minutes & came back with coke & chia (tea) for her customers. Everyone was laughing & enjoying the break. Then the sister began another shalwar kemeez that had recently been cut by the assistant. The assistant finished up the bridal dress & the bride proudly showed it to me. With the park family mother translating (as best she could), I hugged & told the bride she would look beautiful! Then we left . . . walking out the far side of the community, opposite of our entry, where we could find a taxi. As we finally came out of the dark alleys, there was a large clearing. This is where the people live who cannot afford a crumbling concrete home . . . in dirty canvas tents or . . . cardboard/tarp roofed dwellings. There was a small concrete pad with a water hydrant for these families to draw cold water. However, that wasn't the most significant, "invisible elephant standing in the in room". At the far side of the clearing . . . was a huge, huge trash dump . . .which I immediately realized was the source of the "smell" when I first entered the community. At this point, the stench was so intense . . . with the recent rain water mixed in with the run-off drainage going through the alleyways. But, still that was not the most significant of what I saw . . . What hit me the hardest was the people (especially the children) digging through the garbage, trying to find anything they could salvage. How many of these children were orphans?, just trying to exist anyway they could? The park mother & I didn't speak as we walked through this part of the community. In fact, she moved at a double-time pace to get past the sight. But . . . as we reached the top of the crumbling steps, I turned back & watched for several minutes . . . watched the children laugh/play & watched those that "dig". The park mother finally touched my arm to motion me to the taxi. When I looked in her eyes, I saw her embarrassment & disgrace, as she saw the look of shock & tearful heartache in my eyes. After the visit to Edhi Home, I thought I was prepared for anything . . . but nothing had prepared me for this experience. It is the dismal life of the poorest of the poor, Christians in Pakistan. And yet . . . even with the intense poverty . . . life continues . . . young love with the promise of marriage & births of new babies.
Thursday (3/24) - the 1st High Court hearing for the Appeal. My attorneys called me at 8:45 a.m. to tell me the motion/case was #5 on the docket. I rushed to High Court & just as I was almost there . . . my attorney called & said that the case was called & finished in 5 minutes! The HC judge continued the case & ordered 3 summons . . . b.parents, FIA & legal counsel for the State (Civil/District courts). So, the taxi turned around & went back to the guest house. I had left MG with one of the staff "boys" (night security guard). When I walked into the room, the night security guard was reading the Urdu alphabet to Gracy (too cute - she has a book for English ABC & Urdu ABC)! We spend the rest of the day doing laundry!
Friday (3/25) - I received the dictated/attest order from yesterday's hearing. It is continued to next Thursday (3/31). Gracy & I took a walk & played outside the guest house today. It is really starting to get hot now (95+). Since tomorrow is the Visa extension interview with the Ministry of Interior, we went to the market to have copies made of the High Court Appeal application, my passport with all visa extensions & the visa extension form. I also had to have more passport photos made (each visa extension requires 2).
Saturday (3/26) - Shelina, Gracy & I went to the Ministry of Interior at 10:00 am for another interview for another visa extension. This one was a little bit tricky . . . Pakistan only allows US Citizens a total duration of 3 months stay in Pakistan on a single entry, tourist/short term visa. I received the initial visa from the Houston Pakistan Consulate for 30 days which we used in Jan & early Feb. Then Dalend & I extended our visa again for 2 months (expires 4/2). So, that already totals 3 months & technically, I should be leaving for the US. However, my situation is somewhat unique - I have legal custody of a minor child & I'm still in the Pakistani legal process for an amended guardianship order, so I do not have a guardianship certificate yet . . . That means, I can go to the US, but MG cannot. Once Shaleena explained this to the MOI official . . . he understood & approved a 4th month for my particular situation.
While we were at the MOI, we met a very nice journalist from Austria. Of course, Gracy charmed her way into sitting on her lap to play with her iPhone!
Sunday (3/27) – Mama has been having dysentery off/on for the last couple of weeks. Last night & this morning it hit with a vengeance . . . so Mama & Gracy did not go to St Thomas Church. Karim had a couple of the staff watch MG while I slept in the afternoon . . . I had been up most of the night! Gracy loves the "boys" & they love to play with her. She has a little soccer ball that Uppa D got her & they play ball in the driveway. It was so helpful to have someone watch MG so I could get a good nap in!
Monday (3/28) – Another laundry day. MG got soaking wet again & took a dip in her pink pool! A very hot day. But a good day for line drying clothes!
Tuesday (3/29) – Shelina came by to take all the visa extension approval paperwork to the Passport/Visa center. I went early to the market to make copies of everything before she came. Since Gracy is such a wiggle worm . . . the passport/visa center is not the place for her (too many files stacked on the floor & she LOVES paper!) There is no way that Mama can concentrate on what Shaleena is translating with Gracy begging (actually screaming) to be put down! So, Shaleena called ahead & I wrote an authorization for Shaleena to file my extension form for me. Again, the Visa center will keep my passport for 7 days (I get a receipt to carry with me). Next Tuesday we will go pick it up between 2-3:00 p.m. Sameer will go with me to translate.
I really don't what I would have done without Shelina helping with the visa extensions - The guest house owner & family have been a God-send. Sameer accompanies me whenever I go shopping to translate & Shaleena's knowledge of the gov't officials/offices has helped me navigate the passport/visa world. Plus, they are so much fun to be around . . . young 20-something & full of life!
Wednesday (3/30) – Checked in with attorneys late afternoon to make sure all the documents for the 3 parties summoned were completed & ready to go for tomorrow's HC hearing.
The park family's oldest daughter (Mehreen) & her 5 yo daughter (Jenny) came to have lunch with us. The little girl & Gracy had a ball playing. Gracy was so cute trying to play dolls just like Jenny . . . MG "thinks" she is so big!
Thursday (3/31) - 2nd High Court hearing . . . D-Day! Or, I guess . . HC Day! I was up very early, skyped with Nicky/G'ma. Mehreen came to babysit with Gracy while I went to the High Court hearing. This time . . . I was not going to miss it! I arrived at the High Court complex in plenty of time. High Court looks very different from the civil/district complex. It is a much newer building & larger. The security is also much tighter. All the women have to go into a small side shack & be physically searched by a female FIA agent. All bags are scanned & searched. I thought I had remembered everything . . . but, remember my passport?? . . . it is at the visa center! So, I didn't have any identification with me! I had forgotten to bring the receipt from the visa center & the copy of my passport's facing page. Ugghh . . . that is so not like me! Of course, security wouldn't let me through without it! I did have my mobile phone (that I take everywhere) & called my attorney. He was in in route to High Court . . . he had me hand my phone to the security guard & told them to have me wait in the female search shack until he could arrive. I watched as all the attorneys came through in their long black robes (very British). It was so formal looking. Once my attorney was there . . . the security supervisor was called & they had a conversation . . . Then I was whisked through the body scanner & was on my way to High Court! I never went through the physical body search by the female FIA agent.
The case was #5 & was called at 9:30 am. My attorney & I walked to the bench along with the b.parents POA & the Pakistan Deputy Attorney General. The Pak AGO was called to represent the State (both FIA & the Civil/District courts). My attorney & I stood on the right . . . b.parents POA & AGO stood on the left. When the judge saw that I was a woman, he told me to please take a seat behind & to the right of my attorney. Anyway . . . then the court reader read the appeal application. Then the judge asked my attorney to begin. If I ever wondered if my attorney was the right person for the job . . . my concerns were put to rest quickly. I saw Mr. Khan in prime-time action. He has become passionate about this case & it showed in his body language & tone. His arguments were straight to the point, full of emotion for Marina Grace & all the Pakistani orphans, which up to this point, have not had a voice. The entire legal firm has become passionate about this case & the entire firm was present (there are 4-5 attorneys & office staff). I was very proud of my team!
The judge then asked the POA if he had any objections from the b.parents . . . No. The judge then asked the AGO . . . they needed more time to review the case - the judge gave them 24 hours.
This case has become a very important case for the future of Pakistan intercountry adoption, especially for the US. I'm the 1st guardianship appeal case & the 1st Christian adoption case to be heard in High Court. It is all about the word "adoption" & how the US defines it for an IR-4 immigrant visa. However, there is also another precedent . . . how will Pakistan define adoption for a non-Muslim orphan child? . . . the Pakistan law currently does not have a statute for this. Will Pakistan bind them to Shariah Islamic law or not? So, the case is very important . . . But, I'm just an adoptive mother wanting to do what is in the best interests for my child . . . And . . . in the process will create a precedent for all future US intercountry adoptions in Pakistan.
Friday (4/1) - My attorney called me at 9:15 am to tell me that the Attorney General's Office had indeed responded with an objection to the case. There was another hearing scheduled quickly at 10:00 am to try to reach an agreement/ruling before Saturday (another holiday!). Since I didn't have childcare & since the hearing was called so quickyly, I decided it was best that I didn't try to attend . . . and I had heard all the arguments the the day before. So, my attorney quickly made an appointment at 9:15 am with the Attorney General's Office to visit about the case prior to the 10:00 hearing. Mr Khan again went over the merits of the case with the Attorney General . . . and, finally, the Deputy AG was directed to enter a reluctant "No objection" at the 10:00 am hearing!! At 10:15 am, the High Court judge approved our appeal!!! Mr. Khan had persuaded the gov't of Pakistan to continue to allow intercountry IR-4 adoptions & . . . set the 1st High Court case precedent for non-Muslim intercoutry adoption!
I was so excited . . . I threw Gracy up in the air over & over! Of course, she doesn't understand the significance of all this, but . . . she laughed & giggled anyway! I called the US, woke my family up & told them . . . we WON!
Saturday (4/2) - We woke up to an overcast day, but we were all smiles anyway . . . (OK, this is not a belated April Fools - those with weak stomachs might want to skip this part!) UNTIL the 11 yo daughter (Marish) of the park family came to me & told me she thought Gracy had head lice! I checked Gracy & then had my head checked also. Yep! . . . we have an infestation of head lice, both of us! So . . . we can add that to our "critter" list, lol! When we came home from Russia, we had Scabies . . . Now, Head Lice . . . I think we have now covered the "mite" family. The park family mother (Saleena, not the same as the guest house owner's daughter Shaleena!) walked to the Chemist shop with me to get the necessary items Dr. Rubina told me to get - English Anti-Lice Shampoo & a nit comb. Then we went to work . . . Karim had the beds stripped & the blankets removed. I bagged up all Gracy's toys, last 2 days of clothes & anything else that was fabric that couldn't be washed. Thankfully, the floor is tile. Then, I treated our head/hair. Saleena began on my head with the nit comb & I started in on Gracy's. OK, trying to get a 21 mo to sit still while Mama "tries" to pick out nits . . . is impossible. I tried for an hour Saturday night & Gracy just screamed . . . Not sure how we are going to do this! What an exhausting day . . .
Court is closed today for another holiday - no high court order dictated yet. I did, however, receive my shalwar kameez from the tailor . . . it is lovely.
Sunday (4/3) - I don't think church is in the plan for today! I started going through Gracy's head again & I'm telling you she now has twice as many nits . . . how can that be after treating her head twice yesterday??? I spent all day, in 5 minutes intervals, going through Gracy's hair, pulling out nits . . . all day long! I treated our hair again just before bed & had the sheets changed. We will see what we look like in the morning.
Monday (4/4) - Again overcast . . . & it looks like rain today. No matter . . . the day is spent trying to pick out nits from Gracy's hair & mine. At 6:00 pm, I finally texted Dr. Rubina & asked if there was anything I could use that will kill the mite & the nit together (the nits multipy so fast!). She called the chemist for a special oil/lotion. The directions were all in Urdu, so I had Sameer read them to me! It's not supposed to be used on children under 2, but Dr. Rubina told me it would be ok, just be careful not to get in eyes or mouth. This is strong stuff!! I hope it works! You leave it on for 2 hours, then rinse out. I had to really entertain Gracy (stand on my head, piggy back rides, you name it) so she wouldn't put her hands in her hair & then in her mouth! I then spent another 2 hours (while Gracy slept) pulling out Gracy's nits (this solution broke the nit hold on the hair shaft & they came out very easy). While she slept, I treated myself, spent 1 hour with the nit comb on my hair . . . then I fell exhausted into bed! I'm hoping we are on the downhill side of this . . . However, I'm still smiling . . .
My attorneys told me the writ/order is still in the "writ room" waiting to be processed . . . they assure me that we do have an approval & it is only a matter of time, 1-2 days for the attested amendment order to be processed. I can't wait to finally hold that precious piece of paper!!!
So . . . That brings us up to date . . . :)
Gracy has some new words -
"Bye-Bye" as she waves
"Ahh-low" (hello) when she holds the phone to her ear.
"Peek" for Peek-a-Boo.
"Baahh" (bottle/sippy cup)
"EE-OO" (Nido - formula, yes this is usually screamed)
"Naahh" (mixture of "No" English & "Nahin" Urdu)
"Ahh-ma" (Grandma)
"Uppa D" very clear.
"Mama" is not only said now , but screamed!
I know this was a long update, but quite the week, my friends! Major highs . . . some minor lows, but Gracy's smile lets me know, without a doubt, it is so worth it!
Take care . . . talk to you soon!
Love & Blessings,
Nancy (Mama) & Gracy
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