Chosen From Heaven Above . . . Hearts Forever Joined In Love

Sunday, July 12, 2009

When you least expect IT . . .

Okay, I have SOME news . . . But I cannot publicly share it yet.

So sorry, but I'm needing to ask for Prayers, Prayers, Prayers!!!

My head is spinning!!!



Matt and Carla Morgan said...

prayers are definitely headed your way!!! i hope your head is spinning with some much deserved happiness.


Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

OH I so hope this is the one for you! You have been waiting for a very long time. Praying for you.

Amy said...

Prayers needed -- prayers you get!! Hoping it's good news!!

Stacey said...

My fingers and toes are crossed -twice... all good thoughts and prayers headed your way! Please keep me posted! I'm so hopeful and so excited that you will be Russia bound!!! C'mon little one - Mama is ready and waiting!!! Preemptive WHOO HOO!!!

Kim Abraham - Mom to the Fabulous Five! said...

I am praying this is the GOOD NEWS you have been waiting for!!! Can't wait for details!

Becky and Keith said...

Cannot wait to hear the big news!!!

findingourdaughter said...

Hope this is good news for you!
How long will you leave us hanging? LOL

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

You can't leave us lurkers who have lurked for the past year and a half on your blog waiting to hear this news and hoping you would hear something and now you have and....well, just throw us a tiny little bone...please?

I hate to beg, but I am not too good not to.

Kim said...

Wow, prayers going up! said...

You got it, sista!!! I was just looking up your blog because I have a friend in your town who might be interested in adopting from Russia. I think you will be finding something out SOOOOOON! I can feel it!!!! :)


Carolynn and Steve said...

Oh, Nancy, Nancy, Nancy!
SO hopeful for you! Prayers--you got 'em!

Hugs and love,