Chosen From Heaven Above . . . Hearts Forever Joined In Love

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Slow & Steady . . . I-171H Update

The only new adoption news is an I-171H update. But for me, a 3rd update, it has been somewhat of an ordeal!!!

For those of you wondering what this cryptic document is . . . I'll explain.

An I-171H is the official approval from USCIS/Homeland Security for a PAP to adopt an international child. It all starts with an initial form called the I-600A. This is the application that petitions the gov't (USCIS/Homeland Security) to allow you to process an international adoption. Along with the I-600A application form, a valid homestudy and biometrics (fingerprints) are required to process the I-600A. Once the I-600A is approved, an I-171H is issued. The I171-H is a required document included in the dossier for court needed for the international adoption. There are a couple of expirations involved with an I-171H. The biometrics part expires after 15 months and the entire I-171H approval expires after 18 months. Yes, it is tricky with the 3 month difference if your adoption court date falls within that 3 month gap! There is a fee for processing an I-600A with I-171H approval. The I-600A application fee is $670 + biometrics fee of $80 (per adult living in household). Once you have completed the adoption, an I-600 is filed to classify the adopted child an an immediate family member.

So, basically - the I-600A application results in an I-171H approval. Then an I-600 is filed that results in a US Certizenship Certificate.

I have weathered through 2, 18 month expirations!!! Yes, I have been through at least 36 months (2 x 18 months) of processing an international adoption, in regards to the USCIS approvals. With each 18 month expiration, the I-171H has to be renewed/updated.

For every PAID I-600A application, a 1x FREE extension is available (when the 18 month expiration is reached). A written request for the extension and a valid homestudy must accompany the extension request. So, that takes care of the 1st expiration, after the initial 18 months of wait. Well, I am past the 1st expiration of 18 months and I'm at the 2nd expiration of 18 months (I have used my 1x free extension). So, I had to do some research to find out what to do on a 3rd I-171H update. Below is what I found out.

1. A new I-600A application needs to be processed.
2. Fees of $670 (I600-A) & $80 (biometrics/fingerprints) required.
3. Valid Homestudy.

Now, because this is a 3rd I-171H, there are additional requirements and are a little bit tricky. The next set of requirements depends on whether your country is a Hague Country or not (this means has the country radified the Hague International Adoption Treaty). If the country is a Hague country, you need to be grandfathered in with the approval date of your 1st I-600A application (like China). Or, you will have to abide by the Hague Treaty and apply for the I-171H using I-800A (not I-600A). Yes, I know it can get so very confusing. But, as of 9/1/2008, the forms changed due to the Hague Treaty Agreements. So, for most Hague country PAP's who are in the process prior to 2008, they may want to keep their grandfathered status so they don't have to comply with the I-800A. Important to know if your country is a Hague country.

But . . . Russia is NOT a Hague Country, has never radified the Hague Treaty . . . so what does this have to do with how you update the I-171H???? It means you can do it either way . . . . Yes, I know, more options only make for more confusion. So, for Russia . . .

1. Either form I-600A or I-800A can be used (I-600A can only be used if you are going through an update & have used the I-600A previously).
2. If you use an I-600A you can elect to have the I-171H approval dated with the grandfathered date (in my case 5/2006) or have an entirely new approval date based on the most current I-600A application (in my case 5/2009).
3. If you decide to use the grandfathered approval date, then 2 additional documents are required.
- copy of most current child abuse background check
- affidavit statement that you have not processed an I-600 since the inital I-600A.

Since this is all so new and I didn't want to switch to an I800-A (since I haven't completed the adoption) I decided to just stay grandfathered with my initial 5/2006 approval date. So, I will need to send the 2 additional docs to my USCIS office on Monday. My Homestudy agency was able to copy all my current child abuse background checks for me very quickly and all I need to do is write up the affidavit statement (doesn't have to be notarized or apostilled).

Hopefully, with all of that research and discovery, I can finally get my updated I-171H in the next month. What does that give me??? Another 18 months to hopefully complete my 2nd adoption.

Praying that I will not see the need for a 4th update! (but, remember with every paid application, the next is free, LOL!)

Hoping for a referral very soon!

3 comments: said...

This will be your LAST update!!! :) I know you will have your baby girl home sooner than you can imagine. Then, all of this paperwork mumbo-jumbo will be over with! :)


Joy said...

I hope you get a referral very soon.

workhard said...

Thats a very elaborate post but informative
