Chosen From Heaven Above . . . Hearts Forever Joined In Love

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Happy "Uppa D" Day!

Every one and every child should have an "Uppa D". . .

Since Father's Day is just around the corner, I wanted to take time and dedicate a post to our wonderful "Uppa D" (my cousin Dalend).

It was probably about 15 years ago when we connected. Yes, we actually became friends years after adulthood! I was in a place where I needed a good friend and he needed a good friend too.

We became BFF (best friends forever!).

Yes, we fuss with each other like an old married couple (lol! - mainly I fuss & he takes it!) He is an introvert and I am an extrovert. No!, he is not Perfect and neither am I! But . . . he is the Best in the world. When it comes to truly understanding the special-ness of our family, Uppa D just knows! He was there from the beginning. I still remember the night I shared with him my dream of a family. He has been my biggest supporter and encourager, never doubting my commitment to my dreams. In 2004, he traveled on both trips to Russia with me, propping me up when my anxious moments took me under, never doubting my decisions. He bonded immediately with baby Tyoma/Nicholas. I still remember when D held baby Tyoma for the 1st time - we didn't need any words, we exchanged a knowing look between us and tears of joy!

Uppa D has thrown himself into parenting a 2nd family and helps me keep it all pulled together. Even during my worst moments, he sees the best in me. He makes me a better person (even though he doesn't think so!) He has made Nicky's life full and complete with being the male role model that guides him through all the "boy" stuff. There are those rare moments when mama just scratches her head (like our recent family outing to the store to buy the mandatory baseball "cup"!). I cannot thank him enough or praise him enough on how he has taken on this role. I am truly in awe of his selflessness and commitment.

We claim Uppa D as one of us and a very important part of our Family.

He is the "listener" of all issues, joys & sorrows!

Park next to hotel in Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo, Russia where he patiently listened, while I talked through the decision to adopt our miracle and blessing - Nicholas.

He is the "fixer" of all things!

Our last micro tape for the video camera was not working right & we didn't have time to go downtown Novokuznetsk to buy another one. So, Uppa D worked & worked & worked at that tape, until he finally got it fixed! We wouldn't have the last day with Nicholas (trip 1) recorded on video, if not for Uppa D!

Putting together Nicky's "Big Boy Bed". We had 1 very happy little boy that night! Once we had it all made up with new sheets & blankets - Nicky crawled in - But, when the lights went out - he quickly wanted the security of his crib!

He is the "helper" of never ending to-do-lists!

I only had about 3.5 weeks of wait between Trip1 & Trip2 (court date). I did not have Nicky's room ready! (I was waiting after trip 1, like everyone tells you to do!) . So, Uppa D just dropped everything he was doing & completely renovated the guest room into an adorable "Zoo" themed little boy's room!

As is my usual busy-ness, I seem to always run out of time. Here, once again, Uppa D has rescued me by "helping" - wrapping Christmas presents - probably around midnight!

He is the "buddy" to a spirited little boy!

The "boys" playing "horsey". We don't have 2 large stuffed ponys, so - Uppa D used the giraffe blanket - it worked! Nicky loved to play this game! They would gallop all over the house!

He is the "Coach" . . .

Nicky absolutely loves sports! Uppa D is not only at every game, but he volunteers to coach regardless of the sport! Uppa D throws himself into making each new sport a wonderful experience for our little guy. (Of course, mama gets into the action as well. But, I leave the coaching up to Uppa D!)

He is the "Co-Parent"

and . . . best of all . . . He is "Daddy"!

Uppa D - We love you through and through!


(Yes, absolutely! . . . Everyone needs an "Uppa D"!)

(For those of you who are wondering . . . "Uppa D" is 2-year-old Nicky's shortened version of "Pick me up, Uncle D!")


JennStar said...

This absolutey brought tears to my eyes. He reminds me of my Pop-Pop, who was my "Daddy" since my bio one chose not to be apart of my life. God had a special "daddy" for me in my Pop-Pop just as he has for Nicky in Uppa D. God is good!!!
Happy Father's Day Uppa D!!

Anonymous said...

What a tribute written for Dalend and he deserves every word of it! He lives in the moment...WHAT A GUY. G'ma

Meghann said...

sweet uppa D! We are so greatful to have you in our family. :) Love you!