Chosen From Heaven Above . . . Hearts Forever Joined In Love

Sunday, July 20, 2008

As we go along the journey . . .

There really isn't much to report on the adoption front this month. Still waiting . . .


The agency says a referral should hopefully become available within the next 3 months. That sounds so good to me right now. To date, it has been 931 days (2.5 years) since I sent in that 1st application, January 2006. No doubt about it, it has been a long journey, but I’m trying to think in terms of the positive these days. After all, 3 months I can do . . . only 90 days, double digits! Yeah!!!

I try to not get too concerned that it will be the during the busiest time of the year in regards to my work schedule. I know it is in God's hands & He will work it all out!

Regardless of what the near future holds, I am ready for my little girl to become part of our wonderful family. I can be packed in a Flash!


Anonymous said...

I truly believe it is getting closer! God's blessing your little family...and your positive attitude is wonderful.
Love, G'ma

Matt and Carla Morgan said...

Double digits is fantastic! I am praying for you and your little girl - and, that your introduction is pending very very soon!


Matt and Carla Morgan said...

Double digits is definitely better than triple digits - and, is significantly better than quadruple digits :( Bless your heart.

It will be a day to celebrate indeed when you meet your little girl.

I appreciate you keeping us posted about your journey.

Please know that you are in my prayers.


Becky and Keith said...

YAY! A semi-timeline! It definitely helps make the time go by when you have a timeframe to look forward to.