Chosen From Heaven Above . . . Hearts Forever Joined In Love

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tagged . . .

Okay, I have been tagged . . . This is my 1st time in playing the Tag Game, so I will TRY!

Monica - Sorry for my delay!

Link to the person who tagged you: Monica
Post the rules (see below)
Share 6 unimportant habits/quirks about yourself: see below
Tag three other people - Sherrie, Heidi, Mary
Make sure the people you tagged know you've tagged them - done

6 quirks about me? Oh boy, this will probably be difficult, I'm really not that interesting (LOL)! But, here goes - I will TRY my best . . .

1. I HAVE to do my laundry in the following order. It is a "big loads 1st", then clothing in descending order of "dark to light". Wierd, I know! If I don't, I feel like I'm NOT organized for the upcoming week!!
towels & sheets
dark clothes
light clothes
whites w/o bleach
whites w/bleach

2. When I run, I have to count in my head during the 1st mile & last mile to take my mind off of the overwhelming thoughts of "This HURTS!"

3. I Love to mix pretzels in ice cream.

4. I haven’t worn heels to work in probably 2.5 years!

5. I don’t like the smell of a wood burning fireplace (makes me nauseous). But, I love a fireplace. So, gas it is for me. A plus is - no ashes!

6. I feel so guilty when I don’t reuse zip-lock bags.

See, I told you I'm not all that interesting! This has been fun, even if it has taken me over an hour to think of just 6 unique/quirky things about me! Too much pressure . . .

Nicky is begging to go to the park & fly kites . . . Off we go . . .

Until next post . . .

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