Chosen From Heaven Above . . . Hearts Forever Joined In Love

Friday, March 7, 2008

Moving Right Along . . .

Such good News!! I found out yesterday, my DOE Dossier was sent to Russia late last week. I completed the apostilles on 2/22/08, sent to AA fed ex on 2/23/08 & AA received it on Monday (2/25/08). Alina (case mgr) processed & added the additional agency documents to complete the dossier very quickly, in fact, the very same week. It was sent to Russia (2/29/08). Whew! what a whirlwind of a week. Thank You, Alina!

So, now I'm waiting for translation and . . . then . . . Region Registration!

My head is spinning on how quickly this has all happened! When I think it has only been 3 weeks since I began the new dossier & 4 weeks since I signed with a new agency, it makes me speechless (those who know me would say "Wow, Nancy speechless!"). To understand this incredible feat, you have to understand within the last month, I have been swamped! I mean, really, out-of-control swamped. Work front - I am currently sitting in a hotel room in Orlando, FL on a business trip. A 2 month project (Feb/Mar) of a system upgrade working with a consultant from Chicago. Home front - Nicky had a staff infection (he is just fine now). I had that awful flu that everyone seems to be having, even though I got a flu shot last fall. Nicky also started soccer last week. So, the last month has challenged this single mama beyond imagination, even without the adoption challenge & saga. Whew!!

A month & the paperwork is back in Russia. Amazing!! The time line is still looking good with approximately 6 months until referral & travel.

Is it too good to be true? . . . I'll keep believing . . .


Becky and Keith said...

Wow!! Sounds like things are flying! Hang on... you're going to be moving fast! You sure have had a busy month. Hopefully you'll have a breather before you head to RUSSIA! :-) I'm so excited for you!

Carey and Norman said...

So excited to hear how quickly you were able to complete the new Dossier. Especially with so much going on in your busy life. I'm so excited for you and Nicky and look forward to following your journey to meet your daughter.

Kevin T. said...

Hi Nancy,
My husband Kevin and I are in the process of adopting a baby from the Moscow Region. I have been following a few of the blogs and I found yours. I love the video you posted - It brought a tear to my eye. Nicholas is so adorable - all the other children, too. Congratulations on already getting through the process! I just created a blog yesterday. I am not sure if you are able to get in without an email address, but please feel free to email me at - then I think I would be able to add you to the list. I look forward to following your progress. Best wishes! Teresa

Mary and Michael said...

Hi Nancy,

Your agency is really moving quickly. It is wonderful how much has been accomplished in one month. Have they told you how long their translations take? I wonder if that is pretty standard between agencies? Thank you for your comment on my blog, yes; of course, add me to your list.

Kim Abraham - Mom to the Fabulous Five! said...

I think busy people get the most accomplished. You're doing great! I hope to read about you traveling to Russia very soon!

Troy and Rachel said...

Oh - that is so wonderful and the time frame - I am spechless too! I am so glad for you and hope to hear more great news soon.

Anonymous said...

Caught up with your latest today...waiting for more news! Mom

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog from Becky's - I'm another Nancy & our dossier went to Russia last week - it's an exciting time! Here's hoping for a smooth process with your new agency. :)

Russian Adoption Chronicles said...

Hi Nancy, I had not checked your blog in a couple weeks. So glad things are moving right along. I hope you get the referral of your baby soon. Will keep on checking!