I have finally came up for air! The last 2 months have been a whirlwind of activity, both work & home. Sometimes I feel like I'm on the front lines of battle with the clock & time. With only 24 hours in a day, my 2 worlds constantly collide!
Work – We had to upgrade our Payroll/Benefits software system before the continuing support agreement from the software company expired (2nd quarter 2008). We run up against this about every other year & this was the year! So, February & March were 100% dedicated to working with a consultant from Chicago. Thanks to a great technical team, we got it DONE! with a week to spare & under budget. It is a great feeling to be past that hurdle & now back to the regular daily, weekly, monthly & quarterly “stuff” that makes up my work day.
Somewhere in there, I flew to Florida for a weekend Board of Directors meeting for the software’s users group.
Home – The “bugs” late this winter have been tough to deal with. In Feb I had the flu. Nicky had a staff infection & a cold. In March an intestinal bug went through our family with a rage. I got it 1st, then Nicky, then Uppa D (Dalend).
Nicky had a homework assignment to make a “Leprechaun Trap”. I was sick with the last bug so Uppa D took this on with Nicky. Just your basic box - but what the boys came up with was just so cute & amazing. Lights flashing, a trip wire – Thanks, Uppa D!
Easter weekend, we were all finally well! We had a lovely Easter with church services, Sunday brunch & (over the course of 3 days) 4 egg hunts! Nicholas was quite handsome in his Easter attire.
Nicky is playing Soccer! And, loves it. It is so much fun! I love being a soccer Mom.
I have had a lot of paperwork to do as well before April 1. Flexible Spending Account (FSA) balances for 2007 (it’s a benefit I have thru work) . Then there are 2007 taxes due (I do them myself). I was asked to speak at an adoption support group on our birth family search (being a techy, a power point was a must). And, of course, the adoption work of switching agencies & preparing a new DOE Dossier. It seems I always take on “doing” more than I should, but it is just my nature. It somehow all gets done.
During hectic times, I rely on a “3 tiered methodology”. My 1st line of defense is the triage concept. “who or what is the most critical.” 2ndly, “make a list”. 3rdly, “keep to the schedule”. I find physically checking things off my list gives me a sense of accomplishment & helps me see the light at the end (which never ends). LOL, it takes 3 different mantras to keep me sane!
One thing that has drastically changed for me is “how it looks”. An example, historically, when I submitted my FSA balance for approval, I used to have it practically all “wrapped up with a bow” (LOL). Now, I just make sure all the receipts are accounted for & the math is correct (it isn’t pretty any more!). The end result is the same. Our world’s advancement in technology helps too – Yeah, Turbo Tax & e-filing! I save my energy for the things that really do need to look “pretty”. I have learned, everything doesn’t have to be perfect, sometimes it just has to get the job done!
So, as April arrives – my energy is going into the tasks that do need to be “pretty-ed up”. The yard – I am so ready to be outside! Spring is here! The trees are budding, flowers are coming up & blooming, grass is getting green. A welcome sight! The work office – I moved into a new office late January, but haven’t had the time to personalize it. So, I’m just now putting up pictures & empting the final boxes. It will be good to get those old/new tasks checked off the list!
It is nice to finally stop, breathe & take a few minutes to catch up on life. I look at my sweet boy & realize that time is flying by. My new mantras for a few days are:
“keep it simple” . . .
“switch to low, laugh, love!” . . .
A Touch of Justice
12 years ago
Sounds like you have been very busy. We too are thinking about starting Soccer in the fall. Glad Nicky likes it.
Glad you are doing well and staying busy! You are in our thoughts and prayers!
Wow! You sure are busy! What HR system did you just implement? We're getting reading to upgrade from PeopleSoft 8.8 to 9.0. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it!) I might miss the bulk of it being on leave for the adoption (God willing!). Good luck getting everything done! I love your mantras and need to remember them for myself. :-)
Hi Nancy,
I am glad you are all feeling better and that you had a Happy Easter! Enjoy your Spring!
Take care...Teresa
Glad to hear you are over your sickness - makes being a mom a little harder! Staying busy at work has also kept my mind of the wait as I am sure it has you. Take care -
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