Chosen From Heaven Above . . . Hearts Forever Joined In Love

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas - 2007

Hello, Dear Family & Friends . . .

Another wonderful year, with life blissfully running full-speed ahead! I believe, I literally blink, and time is gone! I look back at the year and it seems I mark time with Nicholas’ “next size” in shoes and clothes, “next class” in school and “next birthday” party. Throw in the occasional realization that, I’m getting older (yes, I think I have a birth date in there somewhere!) and you have basically our year! Life IS wonderful :)

Nicholas continues to excel in school and, now at 4 years old, has moved into the exciting world of Pre-K. He loves his school and is quite the outgoing little guy with many friends. His social calendar remains full with play dates and birthday parties. During his school day, he attends several “extra classes”; music, swimming and a gymnastics class that, believe it or not, travels to his school in a bus (Nicky loves the Tumble Bus). It seems Nicky is learning something new everyday and he has achieved so many milestones this year - - too many to name them all! But, a few to note as very BIG are - - In March, Nicky finally achieved writing his “C” opening in the right direction and connecting his “K” in the middle. All the letters of his name are now being written going in the correct direction! He is counting by 20,21,22,23 . . . 30,31,32,33, etc. He can say his prayers all by himself and I tear-up as I listen to his sweet, angelic voice. In August, another red-letter day when he finally swam holding his breath. Mommy was there for the final day of swimming lessons, documenting the picture-perfect moment as he swam, under water, from one side of the pool to the other (only coming up for air twice!). His current dream is to play baseball and soccer and basketball (he really wants to do it all!) on a TEAM. So, a team sport will be on next year’s agenda. As you can imagine, while awake he is ready for action and only stops when he falls asleep. Never a dull moment! On December 19th, Nicholas will turn 5 years old! I have to repeat it several times, out loud, to believe it! A very big “Fire Fighter” themed party is in the plans, including “Huffy”, the fire fighter clown, and ending with a “real” visit to a fire station. He is more excited about his birthday this year than Christmas (as he should be, you only turn 5 once!, right?). As you can probably tell, I am just such a proud Mommy! He is just so full of joy, so cute and funny, and his smile lights up my life. I have said it many, many times, but nothing sums it up better, so please bear with me as I say it again – He is just a precious child, pure joy and the love of my life!

Mommy (transitioned from Mama) continues at work managing human resources information systems for payroll, compensation & employee health/retirement benefits. What a whirlwind of a year with new members added to the HRMS team and, in December, a team move to new offices. My professional life of application technical support, development and database management are not without the cyclical challenges of the “next project” to keep me very busy. I continue to participate in volunteer organizations, both professionally and personally, and sit on the board of directors or planning committees. In June, I hosted the annual picnic for the local “Families of Adoption” group and, in October, traveled to Las Vegas to the annual software users’ conference. I thoroughly enjoy my career and volunteer work. On a more personal note, I am proud to admit, in September, I officially joined the ranks of the “bloggers”. Yes, you read it correct! Over the last few years, I have realized a love for writing and decided to try my hand at developing a personal internet site, blog spot, “my space”. I usually write new posts/blogs a few times a month or whenever the inspiration strikes me (usually between 10:00 - 12:00 at night!). There is nothing I love more than to write about my precious family, single parenthood and my international adoption journey. It gives me another path for creative development and it is such good therapy! If you have an interest, follow along with our forever family at I’m a amateur, just getting started.

Life would not be complete without our daily visits from wonderful “Uppa D”. My cousin, Dalend, is the co-parent in our family. Nicholas loves him beyond words and they both have a special bond that connected them from the very first moments of our family. “Uppa D” is 2-year-old Nicky’s shortened version of “Pick me up, Hold me, Uncle Dalend”. I am so very thankful for his regular play visits and “on-call” availability. Dalend provides an insightful ear for our adoption journey and knows and understands the wonderfull-ness of our family. Needless to say, we consider Uppa D one of us!

And, as always, our wonderful 4-legged family member, sweet Katy Sue! She turned 6 years old this year in April. Right now, there is a love/hate relationship between Nicky and Katy, each one wanting to be the center of Mommy’s attention. But, Katy usually gives up with a gentle “Hummff” and finds her blanket. She steals my chair thinking she can get away with it, stretches out to lay on whoever is closest and waits for the all-important “ear rub” she lives for. But, most of all, she loves to be around her family.

A few other highlights added to our year . . . In April, we traveled on a family vacation to Sea World in San Antonio, TX. Nicholas loved it! He fed the dolphins by hand and the trip was complete with a soaking splash from “Shampoo’s” tail. So taken by the big fish, Nicky now sleeps with a smaller, stuffed version. For those of you who need a translation, “Shampoo” is Shamu the whale (I haven’t had the heart to correct him). In July/August – Swimming, swimming, swimming and more swimming. Nicholas loves to swim! In September, we celebrated our 3rd “Gotcha Day”, remembering wonderful memories from Russia during our adoption journey in August/September 2004. I can’t believe it has been 3 years! We celebrated with a picnic and our wonderful family friends. Our special Baney family tradition made it complete – releasing balloons in remembrance of all the “waiting children” of our world. As we watch the balloons go up, up, up . . . we remember . . . and pray for those children still “waiting”. Also in September, we enrolled in our 2nd year of Russia classes. Nicholas, Uppa D and I have thoroughly enjoyed learning the Russian language and culture. We all 3 are starting at the same beginner’s level and it has been so much fun learning our A,B,C’s and 1,2,3’s together. Dalend and I were successful in writing our 1st short story (5-6 lines) in Russian! In October, we enjoyed a circus with a very special family, the Brooks’. Both boys (Nicky/Bodan), in wide-eyed wonder, rode an elephant! Also in October, was a special visit to the Pumpkin Patch for just the right shaped pumpkins to carve. For Fall Festival/Halloween Nicky was, you guessed it, a Fire Fighter! (and, I might add, the cutest one you have ever seen!). In June and, again in November, exciting birth family searches were completed in the Kemerovo Region of Russia (Central Siberia Lowlands) to locate Artyom/Nicholas’ birth family. Both searches were extremely successful. I consider it a miracle and such a blessing to have this wonderful birth family information documented to share with Nicholas as he grows in the knowledge of his adoption. This special Shestakov family – on the other side of the world – is now our extended family. One day, we hope to reunite.

In May, I announced exciting news of an addition to our family, with the anticipated adoption of another child from Russia in 2007! For those of you wondering, here is an adoption update - I have not completed the adoption of this precious child yet. Nicholas and I are still waiting, waiting, waiting . . . almost 2 years now, for sweet brother or sister. When I started this second adoption journey in January 2006, little did anyone know the world of international adoption would change with new regulations. This has resulted in significant delays in the process. When people ask, Nicky tells them we are just waiting for, “the call”. Anything else is a day-to-day, educated estimate of the time line. The best I can tell you is, we are next in line, ready to travel and the call can be any day now. Even though the waiting is very difficult, there is no doubt in my mind – God’s timing is perfect. I will definitely keep everyone updated, by email and family blog, on when we receive “the call”.

For the days and months that I missed . . . simply filled to the brim with living life! We treasure all of our wonderful Blessings . . . health, accomplishment, growth, purpose, fellowship, faith, childhood, family, laughter and love. And, yes, moments of sadness, challenges, disappointment and pain, but opportunities for blessings as well. Our Heavenly Father gives us a strong, steady spirit to move forward through it all.

“Count it ALL Joy . . . “ (James 1).

Have a blessed Holiday Season.
With love to all our family & friends,
Nancy & Nicky Baney

1 comment:

Kim Abraham - Mom to the Fabulous Five! said...

Reading "Shampoo" brought back sweet memories. When my oldest sons were 2 and 3, we went to the Shamu show at SeaWorld in Orlando. When we got home, they talked about "Shampoo" for weeks. I didn't have the heart to correct them either. Too cute!

Best wishes in getting your referal very, very soon!!!
