Chosen From Heaven Above . . . Hearts Forever Joined In Love

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ready - Set - Go! . . . The LAST Dossier!

Yet another dossier pulled together in 1.5 weeks (I believe this is #5)! Hopefully, my LAST!

Whew . . . after today, I think I'm on the tail end of it all, finally. Why is it the people you need professional services from just don't have the same sense of urgency that you do?, LOL! THANK GOODNESS there are only 8 docs w/apostille needed for the Pakistan court dossier (yes, very light compared to a Russian dossier!) But all the major docs are there . . .

So, I thought I would give a brief update on the dossier document requirements for Pakistan. Basically, there are 2 dossiers, a Court Dossier & an Embassy Dossier. I've outlined the documents needed for each.

Court Dossier:
1. Home Study - updated & approved for country change

2. Medical Form – Adoptive parents only, Russian template used
3. Employment Verification - Russian template used
4. Passport Copy - Facing page
5. Marriage Cert/Birth Cert (single parent)
6. Bank Statements
7. Tax Returns (3 years)
8. Letter from Church - explained in further detail below.

Each doc notarized & apostilled. Only 1 original set of court documents needed.

I finalized the home study today! Yeah!!! It has been a few stressful days trying to get all the needed supporting docs pulled together (medicals, financials, employment, etc.), but it was notarized & delivered today. I should receive the last doc tomorrow, my apostilled birth certificate from the state of Colorado. I received the cert w/o an apostille so I had to fedex to CO SOS office yesterday. I won't go into detail about what I had to do to get this expedited. Let's just say . . . "I did what it took to get it done, quickly!!!" The best the CO SOS office could tell me was "at least 3-5 days" (that was yesterday). When I called today, they already had it done & in the fedex overnight mail back to me. Begging, pleading & yes, tears - does help :)

I'll apostille the court dossier on Friday morning. Yes, a drive to OKC to hand carry the documents.

Next, I'll create an electronic dossier - (Yes, this is what Pakistan requires) - You scan in all your final docs & send the electronic dossier to Pakistan. This is then printed in country & used for supporting docs to schedule the court hearing. No translation is required, since Pakistan is an English speaking country. This is the critical dossier since it is what determines when the court hearing can be scheduled, and when travel dates can be finalized. My plan is to have the electronic court dossier completed & sent by this weekend. I'll hand carry the originals court dossier docs & replace the electronic dossier with the originals for the actual court hearing.

Letter from Church (#8) - Document identifying that the PAP is a regular church attendee. Printed on letterhead & signed by church official. Basically, according to Pakistan's adoption requirements, a child must be placed with a christian family when the child is relinquished at a christian orphanage. This document satisfies this requirement.

US Embassy Dossier: (basic Russian document list was used)
1. Visa Fee per child ~$400 US dollars
2. Copies of last three years filed federal tax returns (Notary Statement not required)
3. Income confirmation (I'll be taking my employment verification & a recent pay stub)
- A recent pay stub that shows pay rate, net amount, and year to date amounts
- A recent letter from employer (within last three months, notarized)
- A letter from accountant, attorney, or bookkeeper stating current status, notarized
4. Adoptive Family Assessment/Home study (Notarized)
5. Original or notarized copy of I-171H (in my case updated w/Country Change). I chuckle at my 7/5/09 post. Yes, I am doing a 4th I-171H update & using the 1x free country change, LOL!
- FBI Fingerprint checks must be valid at time of embassy interview
6. Photocopies of applicants’ passports
7. Drivers license or other identification in addition to passport (copy)
8. Photos of each child
- 3 passport size color photos
9. Form I-600
10. Medical information of each adopted child

I have all the embassy dossier docs copied & notarized (where needed) EXCEPT for the I-171H w/country change. Of course, I needed my updated home study w/country change before I could request this. So, the ink was barely dry on my home study, when I sent my written request for the country change via fedex. I contacted the USCIS (Homeland Security) office today to see how long it will take (you know, we basically only have 3 weeks!) to process. H... assured me there wouldn't be any problem with getting it processed. She is an angel!!! And a single adoptive parent herself & we have formed a good relationship with that common experience. She is just so surprised with the country change (there are just not that many Pakistan adoptions).

Of course, Baby B's docs will be added to the embassy dossier after the court hearing.

Only 1 original set of embassy documents needed.

I'll hand carry the embassy dossier too. it is kind of scary to think that I will have all my original dossier documents traveling along with me. I'll not let them out of my sight!!!

I finished processing both my cousin’s Visa & my Visa on-line this afternoon with the final housing information sent by GAS (Pakistan agency). THAT is when I found out about the additional document required (Swine Flu Clearance) in addition to the original passports & visa pictures. I'm telling you, it was not listed as a requirement yesterday when I filled out the basic accounts. Today, it was listed. I have been online deligently trying to figure out if this is really required or not & if so, what is actually required??? Are test results required? What is the form template the doctor needs to use? Do you notarize it? Do you pay the visa fee prior to the doctor exam? What if you have paid & then you have the SF? I haven't found out much information so far tonight & the service I used for my Visa processing doesn't have technical/doc support after 5:00 p.m. So, if anyone has any tidbit of info on this, pleeeaaassseee let me know. I have to have my Visa by 8/13-15.

Okee-Dokee - there you have the update. I KNOW, a lot to accomplish in just 1.5 weeks, but I have DONE it! Along with a huge project implementation (8/15/09). And, life with my sweet boy. Nicker starts a new school 8/10/09 & so now I need to turn my attention to getting him all lined out with new school uniforms, new backpack & lunch box & school supplies (waiting for the "no sales tax" weekend 8/8-9).

Seems I do some of my best work under stress . . . And, I love to "check" tasks off my "to do" list. But, I also know I'm running on a lot of adrenaline & excitement. The month of August (Nicky's new school, huge project completed . . . and, NEW BABY) it's just so EXCITING!

3 comments: said...

Wow, electronic dossier! Now that makes much more sense. High-tech.! Glad to see your blog is updated w/ Pakistan info. YAY!!!! You are getting closer by the minute! :)


B. J. Gatten said...

Oh my goodness! I just saw this and am SO excited for you - can you hear my shouts of "Hallelujah?"

I will be on pins and needles until I hear that you are safely there meeting your little girl.

I almost wish we could be there with you for that first meeting - just like before.

We'll keep praying!

Love, B. J., David, Lauren, and Luke

findingourdaughter said...

Wow, congratulations! This is going so fast! If I could have taked DH into switching to Pakistan, I might have been tempted to do it! Waiting now 15 months in Russia.
Good Luck with the rest of the documents! You will be traveling before you know it!
God Bless! And thanks for blazing this new trail!!! BTW, our biggest hurdle would have been care for our children at are you arranging this for the 4 weeks you'll be in Pakistan?