Chosen From Heaven Above . . . Hearts Forever Joined In Love

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Long Awaited NEWS . . .

I don't want to keep you in suspense any longer . . . !!!

Yes, I have a referral . . . a beautiful baby girl! But, surprise, surprise . . . NOT from Russia, from Pakistan! Yes, PAKISTAN!

My head is spinning!

There is so much to do!!! Another dossier (I think this is #5 now) and country change for homestudy & I-171H. My "to do" lists are doubling and tripling before my eyes!

But, first things first, I know you are all waiting for some details on this sweet baby girl . . .

DOB - 6/28/09 (yes, 2.5 weeks old)
weight - 6 lbs
length - 21 inches

How did this all happen, you ask? Our God is the God of Provision and Surprise (as my SW shared with me when I met with her this last week, LOL!)

Pakistan is a new country program for Lighthouse Adoptions, my current IA agency. And, I will be the pilot family for the program. I'm trying not to get to far "out there" since there are definitely "unknowns". But, I do have confidence in my agency and the agency in Pakistan. And, all the decisions have not been made in haste, much thought and prayer have gone into this HUGE decision!

So, where is Russia, you ask? . . . the Russia option is not closed, just put "on hold" until we see if this detour in the adoption journey's path will place my daughter in my arms (I have a very good feeling & I'm thinking it will!).

And some more good news! This could all happen very quickly. We could be in Pakistan by the end of August, just 4 weeks! Only 1 trip, 3-4 weeks is required. I could be home with my baby girl by mid/end of September. Amazing to think that it could happen so quickly.

So, there you have it, the brief "60 second" summary. I'm so very, very excited. And, I will definitely keep everyone updated as we go along this new adoption path. And, please do continue to pray for my little family, as I journey down a path of being "the first". It will be an adventure for sure!

Who would have thought . . . Pakistan! God really does have a sense of humor!



Anonymous said...

I am very happy and excited for you, Nancy! Prayers being said that all goes smoothly!


Matt and Carla Morgan said...

Oh my goodness!!!! What incredible news. I'm so psyched for you. Pakistan! I can't wait to hear more. What a whirlwind. Know you're in my prayers and that I'm absolutely thrilled for you re: this fantastic turn of events.


The Mom said...

Congrats! I can't wait to hear about your trip!


Kim Abraham - Mom to the Fabulous Five! said...

Yippee!!! I am giddy with excitment for you!!! You have waited so long and been so faithful and diligent in the search for your daughter. I just know God has very BIG plans for you and this baby girl! said...

YAYYYY!!!!!! Congratulations!!! I'm sooooo excited for you! :) Can't wait for Cassi and Little Baby Girl to meet!


junglemama said...

Wow-- that would be awesome! Congrast and Godspeed!

Becky and Keith said...

Congrats, Nancy! I cannot wait to hear more about your progress and hope everything moves super quickly for you!

Amy...who wanted 4. said...

WOW!!!! WOW!!!!
Can't wait to follow your exciting journey!!

Kay said...

I'm jumping up and down for you!!! I'm saying tons of prayers that this is "it", and that it all goes smoothly!!!

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

WOW! Totally blown away by this news!!! exciting. She is SO young..that is incredible. Can't wait to hear more about all of your upcoming journey.

Anonymous said...

I'm so thrilled for you! What an amazing blessing.

Can't wait to see that beautiful girl.

Jennifer Buchanan

Sherrie Reusch said...

Wow! I'm so glad I checked your blog. I've been on a checking-blog vacation with all we had going on. I am so thrilled for you! Ooooh, I bet she will be are so lucky!