Chosen From Heaven Above . . . Hearts Forever Joined In Love

Saturday, May 9, 2009

3 - 3 - 3 - 3 . . . !

Okay, I was checking my blog today & just happened to scroll down to the bottom where the time line tickers are. I got a chuckle out of what I saw . . .

Today is . . . a milestone . . . it has been . . .

3 years
3 months
3 weeks
3 days

. . . since I have started this 2nd adoption from Russia!

After that length of time, you have to find humor in the little things, LOL!!!

Have a blessed day . . .

4 comments: said...

Better than 6-6-6-6-6!!! LOL! You are getting close, I can feel it! :)


Kim said...

K, I won't complain about the 5 month mark coming up. :)

Happy Mothers Day!

Becky and Keith said...

It's so important to still have a sense of humor! It helps make everying so much easier. :-) I hope you had a great Mother's Day with your little guy!

Mike and Heidi Lee said...

I've been wondering how you are doing! Nothing is more clear to me, than knowing that when your child is ready, she will matter how long it takes! Here's wishing it will be soon!