Chosen From Heaven Above . . . Hearts Forever Joined In Love

Sunday, July 27, 2008

IA Dossier 101 . . .

I've had several questions asked lately about the "Dossier". So, I thought I would dedicate a post to this all important "THING"!

Due to the extreme wait times these days (infant girls), the dossier is split into 2 parts. Part 1 is called the Department of Education (DOE) Dossier (required to receive a referral & 1st trip). Part 2 is the Court Dossier (required for Court Hearing & Trips 2/3). I have recently completed DOE Dossiers to be registered in the regions of Kemerovo (completed in 2/2008) & Vladivostok (completed in 5/2008).
They say a picture is worth a thousand words & this picture definitely is such a picture. Now for those who have never completed an IA adoption dossier before, this may not seem like much of a big deal . . . "just a bunch of papers". Well, just let me tell you, it is a very "BIG DEAL"! To complete a dossier requires hours & hours of investment in time, $$$ & effort! Each document has its own requirements & includes several pre-document steps to get to just the 1 final document!

Add all that up for ALL of them . . . Ahhh, you're finally getting the picture . . .

The blue-n-white sheet is the state of Oklahoma's apostille. It is a very beautiful, embossed document. It is attached to the final document in the upper left-hand corner with a beautiful gold grommet. The apostille cannot be removed (hence the purpose of the grommet). The shorter document in between the 2 OK apostilled docs, is my birth certificate. Since I was born in Colorado, it is an apostilled document from that state. Notice the difference in apostilles? The state of OK definitely outshines CO!

Nicholas helping mama put it all together to FedEx.

He is such a good helper.

With a Kiss & Prayer, READY to GO to RUSSIA!


Tony and Dawn said...

You know, I don't think anyone outside the adoption community appreciates the work and effort it takes to complete a dossier - after all it's just paper! AAAAAHHH! I should own a piece of Kinko's and UPS with all the photocopies and overnight shipments we made. Add to that the medicals that can be pretty pricey to complete. Good luck! Our kids came from Vladivostok and I think it is a wonderful region. God Bless -

Carey and Norman said...

My heart goes out to you for being able to put together four Dossiers. I can only imagine how hard this wait has been for you. As we both know, God creates delays to match you with your child; however, it doesn't keep you from emotionally being exhausted.

As you know, we adopted from Vlad and only have wonderful things to say about this region. We will pray for you as you wait to hear news.

Joy said...

Nancy thanks for leaving a note on my blog. Most of the blogs that I follow have completed their adoptions. Although I love to read what they are doing I think I really need to read ones that are also in the process. That is what seems to be helping me with the wait.

Mary and Michael said...

Oh, yes the dossier, killing forests by the second! And then all those lovely apostilles, at least here in TX, they have a cap at $100 per child. When we first started this I didn’t really appreciate that as much as I do now, many, many documents later. We will probably be starting down that road again soon. It’s exciting that you can be registered in two regions at once. I really hope you hear some news soon. Waiting is hard :(