Chosen From Heaven Above . . . Hearts Forever Joined In Love

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Nicholas is READY for our baby!

Nicholas and I are so ready for this new year to bring our precious, new baby.

Nicky asked me today "Mommy, when will it happen? I want to go to Russia, NOW!" Maybe by posting my little guy's readiness for a baby sister/brother, it will send Subliminal Messages to start the count down!

Hope everyone is ready for a great year!

1 comment:

Shane and Kathy Gebhardt said...

I just viewed the video on your blog. It's awesome!

We are a waiting family as well. We went to Vladivostok in July and met our 5 year old son. Now, we are waiting for trip # 2. It's been an extremely difficult wait (over 5 months)....we can't wait to go back to get our son.

Please feel free to check out our blog at:

Blessings on your journey!
Kathy Gebhardt