Chosen From Heaven Above . . . Hearts Forever Joined In Love

Friday, August 21, 2009

IA Plans . . . Seem to Always Change!

So, I haven't posted for several days . . .

There is a reason for the abrupt lack of postings . . . And, I have traveled many "heart and soul" miles within the last several days with many phone calls and emails.

Unfortunately, plans have changed and we will not be traveling to Pakistan to adopt little Sweet Pea. With a heavy heart . . . I have to finally accept, she is just not meant to be my daughter.

What does that all mean? Well . . . we are back at the "Wait" phase of the IA journey.

I have not given up and, as Nicky says, "Mama, I don't like waiting for my baby sister. But . . . I guess, we just HAVE to wait for her!"

Chin up! Is there any good news in all of this? YES!!! I am now registered in 2 different countries, Russia and Pakistan. So, we will humbly and prayerfully wait and see what the next month brings!

Thank you all, for your continued prayers, support and encouragement.


Matt and Carla Morgan said...

Bless your heart, Nancy! I certainly understand Nicky's readiness to meet his little sister - it's so so hard to wait and you two have been waiting so long!

Know you're in my thoughts and prayers.


Trisha, Duane, and Family said...

My heart is heavy for you guys!!! I have also experienced this and know how much it hurts. My hope is to assure you (as I came to find myself)that your little one...the perfectly made one...for you will happen. Keep on moving forward with a "double" your chances position!!! I am praying for you...Many blessings...Trisha (mom2b4#10)

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

I am so sorry to hear this news...will be thinking of you! hugs to you and your beautiful son!!!

Anonymous said...

Sending you a HUG! You know your daughter is out there!

~Donna D.

JennStar said...

You have an excellent outlook - bummed for you guys, though. At the end of the day, I pray that you will understand all of the hoops that God has you jumping through to get to your daughter, because there most certainly is a reason for the jumps! :o)

Kim Abraham - Mom to the Fabulous Five! said...

Nancy, I'm lifting you up in prayer tonight. said...

It WILL happen!!!!! :) Even if I have to go to Russia/Pakistan to get it done myself! :)


Anonymous said...

So sorry to read that your wait continues. I am hoping that your prayers are answered soon.


Shelly and Steve said...

Nancy, I'm so sorry....My heart is with you....I send you many hugs and much strength for the rest of your journey to your daughter.

Jennifer Buchanan said...

Nancy - I am so sorry to hear this. I know you must feel so frustrated and disappointed. Your time WILL come . . . hopefully very soon.

My prayers continue.

Jennifer Buchanan

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a roller-coaster ride this has been! I am sorry for this bump in the road, but I agree, It will happen!!
I can definitely say I know how you feel!
All the best to you and Nicholas!
Prayers that your little girl is with you very soon,

Becky and Keith said...

Big, big hugs! I first saw your post on my blackberry but couldn't comment which was just killing me! I love the outlook you have - so positive and Nicky is just the cutest. What a great big brother he will be!!

Stacey said...


That little guy above says it all... I wish things were different... that they were quicker... and that they were easy... but they aren't but in the end, they are right. While that doesn't help either one of us right now as we wait, some day, when we hold our children, these waiting days will make sense and at the same time won't matter anymore. If I could I'd hug you... but since I can't I'll just say a prayer for you, Nicky, and your baby girl out there somewhere.
Hang in there...

Carrie said...

Sorry your wait continues! Waiting is so hard but I believe great joy in your future. Your sweet baby is out there!

Pam said...

I saw your story on Frua. Don't know the right words here. Hopefully in the coming months you will have some good news that will have some permanency.I'm in the Russian process myself and waiting for a match too. God Bless!

Anonymous said...


Another FRUA buddy following to see how it is going.

I'm sorry about this bump in the road, I am hoping for well paved ones in your future.

You will find the litle girl meant for you and I pray that it happens not only for you and Nicky, but for that little girl too!


Carolynn and Steve said...


I'm so sorry to hear has been a long road, and I know that hitting another hurdle is just tiring and frustrating. You're in my heart and my prayers, sweetie--a BIG HUG from here for you!
