Chosen From Heaven Above . . . Hearts Forever Joined In Love

Monday, August 3, 2009

Baby B's Blog Name . . . Sweet Pea!

Well, we are still discussing names, but have finally decided on the blog name for her. She will be known as "Sweet Pea".

Nicky & I have been looking at her picture & we keep saying that she is "just a little peanut"! I keep telling him that I think having a baby is one of the "sweetest" things that can ever happen to a loving family. He thinks driving a fire truck would be waaayyy more cool & special! LOL!

Sweet Pea it is, for NOW!

2 comments: said...

That's how my great grandma ended up being named Dolly. They carried her around for a while and called her a little dolly and decided to name her that. I was named after her. I think driving a firetruck would be suh-wheat, not sweet--lol!


JennStar said...

What a perfect name for a new itty-bitty!!! :o)