Chosen From Heaven Above . . . Hearts Forever Joined In Love

Monday, May 25, 2009

My little guy is growing up . . . Kindy Graduation!

What an amazing moment for a parent - Kindergarten Graduation!

I watched my sweet baby Tyoma walk across the stage, so big, with the widest of smiles! I was such a proud Mama!

Yes, of course, tears fell!

Even after 4.5 years, it is still such a surreal feeling for me when I watch my son, my child. It truly is a dream come true. A dream, several years ago, I thought I would never have. Yes, definitely a milestone day!

As the montage rolled through pictures of the children, my mind flew back to the moment I first met my darling, precious son. I vividly remember walking up the stairs of the Baby House. At the top of the landing, the door opened and there he was, a precious one-year-old, big blue eyes looking up at me. Our eyes connected and the bond of love began (at least for me!). I knelt down and held out my arms and Tyoma cautiously toddled over into my open arms. I gathered him all up, tight in my arms and Time stood completely still! I have held on tight ever since!

Now, watching him walk across the stage at 6 years-old for Kindergarten Graduation, time stood still, once again.

Such a precious child . . . I am so very blessed!

And some other pictures of his special milestone day, just because!


Carey and Norman said...

So very sweet. Congratulations!

Becky and Keith said...

You must be so proud!!! What great pictures and such a proud little guy!

Kay said...

AWW! So sweet! Enjoy these days, 'cause they go by soooooo fast!