Chosen From Heaven Above . . . Hearts Forever Joined In Love

Monday, September 22, 2008

Referral, Oh Referral . . .

I am finially at the "receiving a referral" stage of the wait! Yeah!!! I am hopeful within the next 4-6 weeks a precious baby girl will come our way as a referral. I understand in today's IA climate, there may be several referrals before the precious baby girl that best fits our family is available.

Please keep praying . . . God knows the best "fit" for our family. He knows my mother's heart. He knows the perfect child . . . who is Waiting for her forever family. . . So, we are anxiously Waiting to finally know who our little angel girl is.

And then, after that . . . Waiting again for our 1st trip.

And, after that . . . Waiting again for the 2nd trip when my arms will finally hold my baby girl forever & Nicholas will finally be a proud big brother!

Just Waiting . . . very Hopeful . . . but still patiently waiting.


Joy said...

How wonderful!! I bet you are very busy looking at flights and getting things together.
God's speed to you and you family.

Shane & Marie said...

The whole process is about waiting and it stinks! At least now you wait for that call. I can't wait to hear when you get it.

Carolynn and Steve said...

WHOO HOO! I'm so glad you're so close! Yay!! Keep us posted!

Praising God and doing happy dancing here!!!

Becky and Keith said...

We'll be waiting with you! How exciting to be at a part where you're truly waiting! :-)

Joy said...

Nancy tag your it. I have tagged you. You can find the rules on my blog.

Matt and Carla Morgan said...

Exciting!! Nearing the end of one wait and the beginning of another sure can ignite that hope again.

I can't wait to hear your wonderful news. You are definitely in our prayers.
